Welcome to part two of the MIND + BODY + SOUL series. If you haven’t read part one -THE MIND- head back to ‘THE JOURNAL’ to get into it.

The body is a temple that houses the mind and soul. By definition it is a physical structure and material substance of an animal/ plant living or dead.

Our physical exsistence is power alone. We come in different hues, shapes, and sizes. We hold different purposes. Our bodies are beautiful and valuable. Every vein, every organ plays a part in the way we function day to day.

We must do what’s necessary to take care of our overall health inside and out. We have to eat healthy, exercise, and take the necessary precautions to stay physically well. If you are unhappy with yourself find out what makes you unhappy and change it. Not through altering your image but with self-love. Society created a standard of “beauty” centuries ago and these toxic standards have been passed down through generations. Be apart of stoping unrealistic standards.

LOVING YOURSELF is apart of mental and physical health.

2 Corinthians 7:1 Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.


  1. DRINK PLENTY WATER (Spring or Alkaline is a personal suggestion)

  2. EXERCISE (If you don’t like running, walk <3 )

  3. EAT CLEANER (Try healthier options, Try healthier options, Try healthier options)

  4. USE NATURAL & ORGANIC PRODUCTS (for you face & body it won’t kill you)

  5. VISIT THE DOC ( it’s always good to “check up”)

  6. PAMPER/ GROOM YOURSELF (when you “look good” you feel good)

  7. LAUGH , LAUGH , & LAUGH (laughter is literally good for the soul)

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